
Change Notification Webhook

If you have a paid account and a webhook endpoint ready then log into Trackly, go to Account settings > API and enter your webhook. The webhook will be tested as you save it and will only be saved if it already exists and returns a success response code.

You will then start receiving the following POST request JSON payloads to this endpoint when a new change is detected.

JSON Payload Example

  "Id": 1092,
  "Notice": "Page Change",
  "Track id": "4SmA5630kw",
  "Track name": "Example",
  "Track url": "https://example.com",
  "Change date": "2024-10-31T17:32:53.409Z",
  "Version link": "https://trackly.io/tracks/4SmA5630kw/versions/1092",
  "Track link": "https://trackly.io/tracks/4SmA5630kw",
  "Before image": "https://cdn.trackly.io/trackly-production/2024103yfhs.jpg",
  "After image": "https://cdn.trackly.io/trackly-production/2024103mvxf.jpg",
  "Before html": "<html><body>Before example</body></html>",
  "After html": "<html><body>After example</body></html>",
  "Html diff": "Git diff of html"
  "Summary image": "https://cdn.trackly.io/trackly-production/712-atwwso.jpg",
  "Added text summary": "New text found",
  "Added": ["New text found", "Updated Nov 2024"]

Need more? We have an API and a very helpful support team at support@trackly.io/

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