Premium page unblocker & proxies

It is very common nowadays that websites have anit-bot software installed such as Cloudflare, Imperva or Akamai. This software is primarily there to guard against bad actors who constantly hit websites to either try and hack into accounts or slow the site down by hitting it with so much automated traffic. Our bots are good bots and we don't hit websites with massive frequency and are automated web browsing for legitimate user purposes so we have ways of avoiding bot blocking and captchas in many scenarios.

How do we do it?

  1. We make every effort not to hit the same website too frequently so we don't compromise there service in any way
  2. We use browser fingerprinting to make sure our browsers are seen like any other web user
  3. We use proxies so we can access websites from the right location and the right networks.

Proxies explained

One way web requests are often blocked is by checking the request location, for example a US website might decide not to allow any traffic from outside the US. A US based proxy means we can still access these sites even when our Trackly servers are based outside the US. Our premium unblocker utilizes expensive mobile proxies which use the 4G and 5G mobile data networks in specific locations which reduces the risk of blocking significantly. There is no need for you to configure anything, Trackly will work out when it tries to check a page the most reliable way of accessing that page without any user intervention required.

There are several companies that offer proxy services ranging from datacentre, residential to mobile proxies such as

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