Importing a list of URLs to track

Importing lots of pages into Trackly

Adding a lot of tracks one by one can be time consuming. 

If you have a list of URLs that you'd like us to import just send them over and we'll add them to your account for you.

What we need to know to perform your import:

  • List of URLs (and optional titles - see below)
  • Frequency to check (hourly, daily, weekly)
  • Whether you'd like us to ignore small changes on your imported tracks - we recommend you do
  • The time that you'd like your tracks checked - and if they are being checked weekly - the day you would like them checked on as well.

Importing with titles

By default, when we import tracks we generate the title from the page being tracked - in the same way as when you create tracks individually. 

Sometimes you want to have full control over the title of each track imported. To do this just include the title in the import list. Like this:

That way your tracks will be imported with the titles you have specified, like so:

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